Serving Arenac, Bay, Ogemaw, Gladwin, and Iosco Counties Call Today: (989)846-2770
Broughton & Sprague, PLLC
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Quality referrals for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Debt management
Creditor management
Depend on the Experts for Bankruptcy Filing
Our experienced attorneys will assist you with the Bankruptcy process. Stop the harassing phone calls. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can wipe out credit card debt, medical debt, foreclosure and repossession debt, and more.
We won't send you home with a packet of paperwork to complete on your own. Our attorneys review your finances and debts with you to assess every aspect of your financial issues.
With 44 years of combined experience, put your trust in the attorneys of Broughton & Sprague, PLLC.
Creditors constantly calling or have they filed suit against you? We can stop the harassing calls and stop the debt collection. Our seasoned lawyers can help you get back on your feet again. Additionally, if you don't qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, we provide quality referrals for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy filing.
Call 989-846-2770 for your FREE consultation or to schedule an appointment.

206 E. Cedar St.
PO Box 1159
Standish, MI 48658